Quand peinture rime avec musique
Quand peinture rime avec musique

when painting rhymes with painting 



Welcome to my world

Ink in expression

All painting techniques are interesting, but I have a preference for color inks, I like their transparency, colors and difficulty of execution. That is my true expression. They allow me to give free rein to my imagination, guided by my second passion, music (classical, jazz, films, variety ...), which accompanies each of my creations.

 My approach: from a task, create a universe, a story, invent a world between dream and reality. My sources of inspiration are often nature and animals for which I have great affection. The important thing for me is not to reproduce but to create.


Explanation of the technique

Initially a spot, spots, the color is chosen according to the mood as well as the accompanying music. I let the ink express itself, I work it until I get an atmosphere, I create from there, I invent a world of my own.


Listening to "The Firebird" by Igor Stravinsky, I wanted orange, red, the colors mix, I add a dash of payne gray. A country shaken and tormented appears, I see a destructive fire. I suddenly thought of Australian black kites pyromaniac and the painting was born.






After four years of study at a professional school and a diploma in advertising design, Ghislaine GUÉRIN worked in this profession for more than twenty years, in agencies, graphic studios, printing houses and the press.
For family reasons, she ran a restaurant for six years, then for the next ten years took charge of the fine arts department, in a major Parisian bookshop and stationery store.
She now devotes herself to her lifelong passion, painting.


Ghislaine Guérin


26 septembre

6 octobre 2024

77e Salon de l'ANAF

Salle des fêtes

de l'hôtel de ville

94 160 Saint-Mandé







créer c'est donner

une forme à son destin







Membre des associations:

. ARTS 19 (présidente)




. A.I.D.A.L Paris

. Arts-Sciences-Lettres (déléguée Paris)

. France Monde Culture



Membre de la Fondation Taylor


Diplôme d'Argent Arts-Sciences-Lettres















N'hésitez pas à me contacter.

Pour me donner votre avis,

une question, un rendez-vous.


Mes peintures sont à vendre.

Celles en Collection Particulière ont déjà trouvé un acquéreur.


Si l'une d'elles vous intéresse, n'hésitez pas à me contacter.
















mentions légales : Ghislaine Guérin 

copyright © Ghislaine Guérin

Tous droits réservés


Je suis enregistrée à la Maison des Artistes

et à l'URSSAF



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